Oct 30, 2009

oh crap

I'm getting excited about both my Berlin trip (for which I leave early early EARLY tomorrow morning) and for the North field trip, but I'm also starting to get nervous about the amount of work that has been accumulating/I've been putting off...

Although I am essentially going to be gone for the next eleven days (really with only an afternoon back in Rome before leaving again), there is still plenty due right when we get back, with almost no time to do it. I have to completely start over with my packaging project, since I was working hard on trying to find a good solution, but it just stopped making sense... Although I'll have fun traveling, and can work on some sketching and thinking while away, a good chunk of my work will need to be done on my computer, so I can't do it until I get back.

On the other hand, I'm really excited for Berlin, although I've been really hands off in the planning for this one and am not too sure what's going on. After Berlin starts the North field trip, up to Basel and Zurich in Switzerland and Vitra, Germany! We get to do all kinds of nerdy design things like see private poster collections and modern furniture design and go to a paper mill and meet awesome designers. After this trip, Meghann and I have our Stockholm and Oslo trip, which I am excited/stressed about... I'll have plenty of preparing to do in my short time back in Rome...

Off on more adventures!

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