Sep 1, 2009

LONDON: Day four

For our last day in London, we YET AGAIN tried to catch the changing of the guards. Luckily, this time we made it on time. Unfortunately, it didn't really make much of a difference anyway since I'm so short, I could only hear the band and see all the other tourists and their cameras. So, really, I still don't know much about what happens with the changing of the guards. Oh well.


Then we spent some time at the National Gallery, saw lots of paintings.. then off for some sandwiches in front of the British Museum. After that, Andrew and I checked out the National Portrait Gallery, which was somewhat interesting. Some of the older portraits look the same after a while, but some of the newer ones were neat. The definitely seem to favor the photorealistic portrait, at least in their Best Portrait of 2009 Exhibit, which is not necessarily my favorite thing, but oh well.

The evening of this day was probably my favorite evening in London.. we had a little picnic by the river, then saw an outdoor theatre performance of Madea, which was actually quite good.. and views of the Tower Bridge at night on the way back. Paula made yet another "friend" on the way back...haha.

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